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Why IITG Buses have stopped coming to Hostel Area ?

POSTED BY zurich

As we all know more than 80% of the IITG population resides in the Boys Hostel Area (i.e. Umium, Barak, Kameng, Manas, Dihing, Kapili and Siang). The Green Valley Buses have been coming to these hostels in the past and the students were comfortably boarding the buses from the nearest bus stand. But surprisingly, without any visible logic the buses have been made to start from the Guest House and go straight out of the Campus without taking even a single round inside the Campus.
Now the students have to walk about a km before they can catch the bus to the city and do the same to come back to their hostel after coming from city.
The Administration has started a new Bus service inside the Campus. The bus is seen almost all the time moving around empty in the Campus as the timings are not accurate and are not in accordance with either the class timings or the timings of the City Bus which leaves from the Guest House.

It is not clear as to why the the system of Buses coming to the Hostel which was successfully being implemented for the past 5 years has been suddenly changed without taking any opinion or feedback from the Students Community who are the main sufferers of this illogical action of IITG Administration.

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