A Platform where we can UNITE and solve our problems

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Register on the Site and become a part so that WE CAN HELP OURSELVES.
To Register CLICK HERE.
You can e-mail your Posts to iitproblems@gmail.com .




As we all are  aware, everyday we all face problems created by the IITG Administration, be it:

Course  Registration
Grading System
Hostel Related Problems
Mess  Related Problems
Disciplinary Issues
Inter IIT Problems
Alcheringa and Techniche Issues
Campus Problems
Gymkhana  Elections
Faculty and Course related Problems
Harassment by Professors
Miscellaneous Issues

etc etc etc...

These  problems are everyday faced by us at individual level. Individual students resort to the following  means of protest :
Write  appeals to the Concerned Authorities which generally go unanswered or attract a clear NO in reply.

We do not get justice even when our stand is correct and get  frustrated.
Student Gymkhana is mostly inactive in such issues and is under intense pressure from the Administration.

NOW if the System is to change WE have to  initiate the change.

With this intention IITGSA serves as a Platform where :
The Students can share their  Individual Problems.
The Problems will be discussed by a  STUDENTS WELFARE COMMITTEE and will be taken to the Authorities in a united way so that 
Justice without Delay is guaranteed.

So  Register and become a part of IITGSA so that WE CAN HELP OURSELVES.

To Register CLICK HERE.
Members can send their Posts from their 'IITG Email-ID' OR 'Alternate Email-ID' to iitproblems@gmail.com .

Contact Us at iitproblems@gmail.com .