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Complaints regarding Dr. Sushanta Karmakar of CSE Dept.

POSTED BY rakesh

Parallel algorithm (CS501- in Even Semester in 2009-10 academic year) course instructor Sushanta Karmakar (http://www.iitg.ernet.in/sushantak/) is a kind of person who should not be here in IITs. He does not know any thing about parallelism, I am not confident whether he knows algorithms or not at least. His correction of papers is completely random and expects everything to be bookish. If you write anything on thinking the problem he will directly scratch it off and does not consider any explanation from any student no matter how valid it is. Once he has corrected the paper he never put his pen down to change the marks he has given even if it is his concepts that are wrong.

He even did not get the Student Feedback forms filled by us, I don't know how he managed the academic section (may be he might have filled by himself ) or how the academic section got convinced. When ever he teaches anything what ever he speaks out of his mouth was completely and absolutely mugged up.

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Now what ever happened in last semester, leave it apart.. But now the same person is going to teach the OS course which is supposedly taught by Director sir every year. We can't even assume this person know the basics of OS. Since it is a compulsory course the 3rd yearites will have to face many problems in their career.

So please let that situation not happen and please take necessary actions against the selection procedure for professors in IITG.


  1. Bullshit, how can he ever match GB? One of the most important courses for any CSE student, must be taught by the best person available, and it should have been GB!!

  2. Why is GB not taking the course this year?

  3. Until and unless people like Nandi is here .. more pieces of shits will come from bengal .. IITG is no nore than an extension centr of IITKGP ..

  4. hes the worst prof ever i have seen in my life , he fucked OS, and distributed system, parallel algorithms...
    nd guys Nandi sir is GOD, he alone does not decide upon recruitment...

  5. distributed system : some tell him not only distributed system but none of the subjects tout in engineering are just theory, they are actually practically used in real life...

  6. Don't take any more PhDs from IIT Kharagpur. They are spoiling the CSE department.

  7. First look back at your JEE rank guys

  8. Hey guys, don't try to tarnish the image of Dr. Sushanta Karmakar. He was one of the best students in his student life in Jadavpur University and IIT Kharagpur. It is better to look at your own shits.

  9. If Susanta moron is one of the best PhD students of IIT Kharagpur, that's speaks a lot about the value of a PhD degree granted by IIT Kharagpur.

  10. very much useless fellow.....

  11. I know Sushanta personally , he is very technical and very much detail oriented. But I don't find any necessity to explain his capability here.
    Now, it may happen that students have problem on understanding the course like parallel algorithm, it's also very common that you may not very happy with exam paper assessment. But , creating a blog and saying something bullshit with communal flavor is not the right way to address the problem. Engineering is a discipline oriented course, you can be judged by your work. Now, I can see that you guys can't give minimum respect to your teacher. How could anyone expect that you will behave as a responsible and rational person in your job or research lab. Lastly , IIT is a National Institute not for Assamies or Begalis. If you guys can't come out from your Assam Communal thinking that's a real problem. I rather advice to your authority that Communality is much more serious problem at IIT-G rather some teaching quality.

  12. I know him as my teacher at IIIT Bhubaneswar.I donot agree with you people, he is nice teacher and I find him good to all students.Please accept my request to delete this blog page and try to rectify your own problems .And keep in mind "GURU NINDA NARKE BASA";

  13. It seems like this blog raised the popularity of Prof.
    Shame on you guys !!

  14. And the 2023 batch is suffering at his hands as well :)

  15. Sushanta madarchod bhenchod chutiya bc bhosadike

  16. Hi gyanendra prakash here

  17. the fact that there are comments on this page 11 years after shows that this prof is something very very special.

  18. Hi, Adarsh Kumar 190101002 here

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