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Unfair Paper Checking by Prof. Santosh Biswas, CSE


A 2005 Batch BTech CSE student Gaurav Chaddha was given 22 / 100 marks in  his exam paper by CS department faculty Dr. Santosh Biswas.
On finding that this is not what he deserved Gaurav alongwith some friends went to the Professor for re-evaluation and and got the rightly deserved 88 /100 marks.
See the following video to see what happened:

This is just one of the several instances of unfair and biased checking by Professors. As the End-Semester answer sheets are not returned the chances of such a thing happening increases.


  1. I agree with kumar..the Endsem answer sheets should be returned back to the students for examining the checking..also does anyone exactly know what are the rules followed while converting the marks to grades? how exactly are the cutoff for a particular grade decided?

  2. Being a 2005 batch passout, I would like to clarify that this video was supposed to be humorous and should be treated in that way. The story of 22 to 88 marks is indeed sarcastic. I am truly amazed and even angered that the author of this blog not only fails to understand sarcasm but also goes ahead and creates a false impression of faculty on a public forum.

  3. You might be right on this particular video being a witness to its making and kumar should have found out more authentic info on it before posting it. But nevertheless the video forms a good medium to raise the point I have made in my earlier comment. The grading scheme should be more transparent and the rules should be made open and not solely on the discretion of the individual professor.

  4. As someone has already said in a previous post, this video was created for the sole purpose of humour and there is no truth in the story of 22 to 88 marks. I would imagine the background song would be clue enough, but evidently it wasn't to the author of this blog post. However true the "several instances of unfair and biased checking" by Professors might be, this video is surely not an example of that and I therefore request the author to remove the video from this blog post as soon as possible.

    I appreciate the initiative in creating this forum for trying to address problems faced by the students in IITG. But such misrepresentation of videos will only hurt such initiatives by reducing the credibility of the posts.

  5. Don't recruit any more PhDs from IIT Kharagpur. They are spoiling the CSE department.

  6. This is a real video. Truth is always stranger than fiction. The fact that it appears fake is sad. The student deserved 100 marks in the exam. His friends vouched for it and even met the professor several times and tried convincing him that Gaurav's skills, honesty and most importantly his perseverance, both before and after the examination, need to be given proper recognition.

  7. Prof Biswas is one of the best profs in IITG. This video was intended to be sarcastic. It's not true.

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