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NEW Leaning Tower of IITG


I am a second yearite..just visited the new hostel in the making..named brahamputra...i was damn shocked to see the inpiration dese people got from leaning tower of pisa...
i mean that hostel clearly showcases the carelessnes of the management ....a clear wastage of public funds..
the person living in that hostel is no more than a rabbit in snake's cage...in this earthquake prone area where already kameng and barack are in the danger light..making another hostel like this which has already tilted under its weight and bad earth filling.....i believe something really need to be done to this...
an immediate awareness and action is needed by all iitg junta and people from outside as well
we need to come out as a family on dis issue..


  1. This is shocking..I dont understand what has happened to the admin..how can they play with the lives of their own students again and again..what happened to Kameng was before everyone. the whole hostel cracked and even today its too dangerous no matter how much repairing and hiding of the cracks is done. Now after that tragedy this time they have crossed all limits.. the new hostel being made is at the verge of falling down any time and they have started putting new beds and tables in it.
    How can they be so careless and the main question is what is the amount money being made by the Director while giving such an important big Tender to a Guwahati local builder M.K. Agarwal. Is it because his term here is almost ending in a few years so he has now decided to fill his pockets without caring about IIT Guwahati's future?

  2. Even after the Kameng tragedy the same kind of hostels are being made one after the other. why cant they make hostels like Kapili and Dihing which were being made initially and are strong till date. There's no shortage of space in the Campus.
    The only possible reason can be that the architecture of Kameng like hostels gives more window of making money than the previous hostels which were strong but costly. what do you all say?

  3. I definitely agree with kamal..I was in IIT Delhi a few days back.. just have a look at their new hostels despite the serious problem of space their Campus is facing being in the middle of crowded Delhi.
    Recently recently build hostel Zanskar is a piece of excellent architecture. Its durability and state of art design is surely many time ahead of any of our hostels at IITG.
    And now they are building 2 new hostel.
    The new Girls hostel is 8 floors tall with lifts and its quality cannot be described in words here..just have a look at it.
    Same is the situation with the new Boys hostel that will be complete in a few months.

    Why can't our IIT have the same quality of Hostels despite the fact that we are the newest and deserve the most state of art buildings?

  4. Krish the answer is that IIT Guwahati is thousands of miles away from the Government sitting in Delhi.
    So there's no one to keep a check. In such a situation it becomes essential that we students realize our responsibility as john as said in the post. This kind of posting will not make much difference unless we take some action ourselves.

  5. Ankit said.....

    every person in IIT guwahati is not safe anymore... the administration is not even thinking about our lives.... even yesterday the earthquake comes......... now only god can help the students living in this hostel.......

    if still we remain quite then someday something will happen to someone between us andrest all will remain quite

  6. 3 Earthquakes hit Guwahati on Tuesday night.
    See the following link :


    The new hostel didn't fell down this time fortunately...but can we take such chances anymore...

  7. According to the above news Guwahati lies in the
    "Sixth most earthquake-prone belt in the world"

  8. The new MTech and Phd students have already been sent to the new hostel..
    the btech guys are with parents..thats the reason they haven't been alloted room in brahmaputra hostel..no partent will leave their son in that hostel and go home relaxed..the new MTech guys are trying to raise the issue but they need a support from the old students...lets help them guyz

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